Friday, February 25, 2011

I'm at a lack of words for how much this hurts.

I wake up at 5:40. I am scheduled to meet Mr. Max at 6:15 about ½ mile way. I brush my teeth, take a shower, get dressed, and get everything in my Nike bag. I was running late, but little did I know that Mr. Max was way behind me. I got to his office around 6:30 and Max arrived at 7:15. He said it was very difficult to find a tap-tap.

We leave immediately and meet with Pastor St. Cyr. This man speaks great English, but what I love about him most is his heart for Haiti. He has the opportunity to move to the US and live there with his family, but he chooses to pastor a church in a tent city. Now, I should be more specific here. This tent city is THE tent city. The largest one in Haiti with 55,000 people! I met Pastor St. Cyr yesterday and asked to see his church. He said whenever, so I asked about tomorrow, now here I am.

This day the Pastor’s car was in the shop so he was renting a tap-tap. This tap-tap was stripped inside was the worst rental I have ever seen. The only way for me to get out of the front seat was to roll down the window and open it from the outside.

Entering the tent city was something else. I don’t know how to describe this place. My heart hurts just writing about it. I told someone that being there made me want to cry and puke at the same time. 50,000 people who lost their homes, living in tents, with no place to go, this is heartbreaking.


  1. That's about three times the population of the county I grew up in; I can't even fathom what you saw. Thanks for your bravery and sharing with us back home!

  2. Sean, this reminds me of the slum I visited in Nairobi, Kenya. It's so hard to see all the suffering and pain, but just the fact that you are there means that something is changing and that God is working! He is the God of Justice... keep remembering that when it seems like it's too hard to bear. He loves you and He loves every person in that tent city. Thank you for listening to His call to help them.
