Sunday, March 27, 2011


It’s not that we don’t know or we’re not shown the proof of poverty. It’s not that we don’t have the tools to go to break this yoke of slavery. We quit because it’s not an easy fix and then forget that they are even there. We forget to care.

This is from a song by Jenny & Tyler. This is what I have been thinking about a lot lately.

Monday, March 21, 2011


As I am writing this post I am inside my favorite Haitian family’s house. I think my bedroom is bigger than this whole house. 11 people sleep here on 3 beds. I am dripping sweat as I write this. There is very little ventilation and no fans. This is real. I am not writing this for you to say “poor people”; they do not want your pity. I am writing this to open eyes. Many of the people that read this may have seen or even lived in a 3rd world country, so you know what I am talking about, so maybe this will be a reminder. We get caught up in the comfort of America. We start complaining about the littlest things, things that these Haitians are not even able to complain about. Keeping food on the table is enough of a struggle for them. Being in Haiti, I am constantly reminded how grateful I should be to be born in America and having a loving and supportive family.


I am teaching only one English class now because two was too much. I teach with a Haitian. We take turns teaching and I just help him out if he mispronounces something or needs help. This class is about 8-12 people ages 18-35. Some of them are almost intermediate and some are complete beginners. I teach from a book called English in a Changing World. The book is from 1970 or something. I often just improvise and make up my own lessons. It is a blast. We were supposed to have test last Friday, but there was a lot of traffic downtown due to the arrival of Jean-Bertrand Aristide. If you don’t know who that is, look it up. He’s got an interesting story. We did not have the test today because elections were yesterday. So far things seem tranquil but many people did not want to risk going out into the street. Just in case. Things may still get wild. We will see.

My hangouts

When I am not in the house, or at the office, which is also where I teach, I usually have two main hang out spots. The first is in a ravine. This ravine has one house and about 12 tents and shacks. I walked through many times without stopping, but one day some guys called me over. The guys who live in the house hang outside of it every day with their friends. At any given time there are usually 3 or 4, but sometimes 8 or 10. Three of them speak good English and the rest of them speak very broken English if any at all. These young men are 19-26 years old. They all think they are gangster and party pretty much every night. Some of them have jobs, but may only work 2 days a week. In this same place, there are about 8 regular kids that live there. They all know my name and I am learning theirs. They are adorable children. I at times find wifi there and I show the kids pictures on my facebook. They are usually all on top of me, but I could care less. I love the people in this ravine. I want to help them. They all ask me for money or food on a regular basis and I know that I could possibly feed the entire community for a day or two, but what about after?

Before I talk about my second hang out, I want to talk a little but why I am overwhelmed here at times. I have heard plenty of sermons where the pastor will talk about giving. He tells us to give that homeless man a dollar or two. That sounds great, but these pastors have never told me about what to do when I am in Haiti. I have twenty-five or more people asking me for money on a daily basis. If I gave everyone of them $1, I would be out of money in no time.

This brings me to one of my favorite analogies dealing with helping Haiti. I am not intelligent enough to come up with this, but I am not sure who did. Haiti is full of hurt. Many aid organizations and missions groups are coming here to help relieve the pain. These organizations are putting band-aids on Haiti and just keep replacing them and applying more, but the wounds will not heal if the band-aids never come off. While I was in church today I gained insight on what I may be called to do in Haiti, which is to create sustainability in Haiti possibly in the fields of youth ministry and agriculture. In order for any of this to be successful, we must remove the band-aids and let the wounds heal. This not going to happen overnight, which means I may be involved in Haiti for quite some time.

That second hangout I promised to talk about is about a 30 minute walk from my house. It is my friend Ruth’s house. Ruth is one of my best friends here and she is an amazing person. She is excellent at speaking English so I go to her house to just chat. When I am having a rough, I go over there and just play with the kids. After school there is almost always at least 8 kids from ages 3-9 playing in the street. These kids are incredibly goofy.


I am learning to relearn everything. Americans are caught up in the word success. At first when I came here and had relaxed days, I thought I cannot tell people that I wasn’t doing anything, but I really was. I am not going to come back to Wisconsin and tell you about how many houses I have built or bags of rice I distributed. I will be able to tell you about connections I made with people and relationships I have built. . I walk about 2 miles every day and often times just stop and talk with the people. It is difficult most of the time because my Kreyol is horrible, but many people are patient with me. The organization I’m with right now is really just beginning to make an impact in Haiti. What I am doing right now is blazing trails

This place is amazing. Something about Haiti sucks me in. I have yet to figure what that something is. There are some days here when I get discouraged and it is not easy to move forward, but I am blessed to be here.

I will add pictures very soon. Be on the look out.